Tuesday, May 10, 2016

New chapters

May 10th, 2016

I haven't been blogging for a VERY long time now, but now because I am taking classes again at BYU-I, online, one of the semester projects is to blog about my life, things I am learning in class and anything pertaining to the gospel. This week we have been studying the importance of family. I have always said that nothing stretches you to your limits like marriage and parenting. I think this is why God has chosen families to be were we learn most of our eternal lessons. I see the important work that I am doing in my home. I see how I am helping these wonderful spirits come to know who they are and to give them tools to help them along this crazy ride called "Life". We are divine beings, we are "housed" in these bodies so that we can learn lessons we would have no other way of learning. I do not pretend to know all of God's way, or everything that pertains to God, but I do know, I am loved, and that He guides me when needed. I do know, that family is a blessing. I have been blessed with a wonderful family. I know not everyone gets this gift. My own mother and family had difficult and complicated families. They have shown me even with a "not so perfect family", we can still love our families members, we can still be there for each other and we can offer forgiveness. Nothing will ever take the place of my family. I will always do everything in my power to keep my family together. These people are my history, my present and my future!