Thursday, November 15, 2007

My sister, mom and I decided to have a girls weekend up in Park City. It was so much fun. It was the first time Michelle was away from Ethan and she did great. It was my first time away from the girls but I was fine. I was just so happy to SLEEP!!! I love my kids but three is a lot of work and I really, really, needed some ME time. We relaxed, played games, laughed, talked and ate!!! It really was the best time ever. We've decided to do this once a year. It's good for us to get away and be with each other. It keeps our realationship strong. Aaron did great with the girls. The first day I called him he said " this isn't bad at all. I'll stay home if you want to work". But by the next day his tune had changed and he said he was "very grateful for me". Now I feel refreshed and ready to "hit the ground running". Life is good!!!

1 comment:

Sheree said...

That looks like so much fun! I'm glad Aaron got some "quality" time with the kids. It is always a good thing when moms take a couple days off.